Vogue Tyre Elite

Vogue Custom Center Model for New Vehicle Dealers

At Vogue, we happen to know a thing or two about building loyalty with customers because we’ve been doing it for over 100 years. From day one, Vogue Tyre’s mission was standing up and standing apart from the throngs of other mere tire companies that were flooding the market. Over the course of our history, we’ve adapted to the ever-changing automotive market and built new ways of taking our unique version of ‘custom’ to the masses.

To embody the ultimate spirit of standing out from the pack, in 1964, Vogue Tyre opened their first Custom Center inside of a Cadillac dealership. The goal was to take brand new cars, provide a dash of Vogue magic and sell them right off the dealership lots. The idea was a huge success and since then, we’ve applied this proven model to over 100 dealerships and helped each of them increase their gross profit and customer satisfaction by placing a fully operational, turnkey aftermarket department right on-premises. All with ZERO investment from the dealer.

Sound too good to be true? Read on to find out more!


There’s some real power behind the idea of customization. We’re not just talking cars here, no, we’re talking about who we are as people. From our hairstyle or our t-shirt, we love to show the world what we’re all about. We’re all custom in our own unique ways!

For those that work in a new car dealership, the environment can often seem devoid of customization and like it’s always moving at breakneck speed towards something new. New ways of connecting buyers with customers, new ways of connecting service departments to customer needs, new ways of advertising. Every piece of the dealership model is designed to build great experiences, increase profits and create raving fans that build the type of sustainable loyalty that keeps customers coming back year after year. This all happens really, really fast but the true power of customization is often missed along the way.

Nope, there’s simply no technology for replacing the power of owning something unique and this is where many dealerships get it wrong. In this mix of fast and new; crucial profits and opportunities to build customer loyalty are often left right on the table.


Purchasing a vehicle is the 2nd largest purchase a person will make in their lifetime, only taking a back seat to the purchase of a home. Our cars not only form a practical bond with us but they often represent an emotional bond as well. The unique thing about our cars is that they form the very fabric of our day-to-day life, and no matter what level of enthusiast you are, customizing your vehicle is part of every owner’s consciousness. We don’t just own cars, we need them.

Whether you drive a minivan or a luxury SUV; we all love to put our own personal stamp on our vehicles. From stickers that show off the places you’ve visited, to roof racks that help make your favorite hobby just a little bit easier to enjoy; our vehicles are part of a personal statement that we show to the world. When someone is making the huge decision to purchase a brand new vehicle, this feeling of pride and the desire to form a unique identity couldn’t be any stronger. A purchase that is as large as a vehicle often is often a huge accomplishment for a new owner and the ability to fully embrace this new purchase by making it their own is a loyalty-building, profit-increasing opportunity that cannot be taken for granted.


Did you know the automotive aftermarket is a 41 billion dollar industry? Yes, you read that right, people love their cars to the tune of 41 billion dollars each and every single year! From custom consoles to unique lighting, racks, and custom wheels - Americans love to customize their vehicles.

One of the biggest mistakes a dealership can make is assuming that only car enthusiasts modify or custom their vehicles. As we mentioned above, no matter what type of profile a dealer’s customers fit under, customizing their car will be top of mind; especially at the time of purchase. Properly outfitting a customer’s brand-new car will not only bring in additional revenue and gross profit but it will also create a raving fan that will not only continue to purchase vehicles in the future but also recommend the store to friends/family and return to service their vehicle as well.

The automotive aftermarket also requires additional knowledge and expertise to wade through the huge wave of often inferior products available on the market. Carefully vetting products that will go the long haul ensures that customers will not run into issues down the road which can erode the trust and loyalty that you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

It’s a carefully constructed dance that requires an expert touch.


The question remains: How do dealerships take advantage of the incredibly lucrative and powerful automotive aftermarket?

Vogue Custom Centers operate like a full-fledged, aftermarket accessory department that lives and breathes within an established dealership. Rather than be weighed down with additional personnel, equipment, and inventory tasks; the Custom Center provides the talent, inventory, merchandising, and training support as part of a dedicated partnership with the dealership. We even order parts and facilitate the installation of everything that is sold.

A successful partnership is based on providing the opportunity to maximize vehicle accessory sales by providing an in-house expert that’s fully trained by the custom vehicle experts at Vogue. Our Custom Center Managers are fully committed to growing all profit centers within a dealership by maintaining an active presence that speaks with authority and provides exemplary levels of customer service to the most valued assets: customers.

In order to retain top talent, dealerships must properly compensate their sales staff to reduce turnover. Our managers provide an additional level of support to the sales staff by providing additional sales incentives to sales personnel via spiffs. Trust us, sales staff love what we can offer! Our Custom Centers also share the profits via rebates back to dealerships on a monthly basis.

This model provides dealerships an opportunity to increase profits on every sale, build crucial customer loyalty and provide additional spiff incentives to keep the best talent right where they belong. All this is backed up by a financially secure company with a 100+ year history and a knack for passion and expertise.

Interested in finding out more about how to get a Vogue Custom Center at your dealership? Let’s start the conversation so you can begin taking advantage of the profit-building automotive aftermarket today!

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